Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The neverending snow story...

Just what did the Groundhog have to say about Spring/Winter?  He must have said that Winter will go on for a while still, as it sure looks like it's doing just that!  It's been a cold and snowy week, we've had a record dump of snow again.  I feel better in the fact that it's the same in a lot of places including Edmonton, Chicago, Seattle, and Vancouver.   A friend in Burbank said that they had snow down there!

Walking to Mailbox on Sunday, the roads were deep in snow!

As I really didn't feel like taking a taxi to work, the roads were clear and it was too early to catch a bus, I decided to bike to work today.  Yesterday I walked and was warm, but I was also warm today despite it being -37 C WITH the windchill!  And I could get to work quicker.  And despite the cold, the brakes seemed to work ok today.

All Bundled up, keep me warm with the -37 windchill.  Brrrr.

Roads are in ok shape, just have to watch for ice.
On Sunday, I didn't go snowshoeing.  It was warmer, but as the whole weekend had a blizzard come through, I was in no mood to snowshoe.  It's not like we would see anything anyways and the highways would have been bad- 6 inches of snow on them!  I used it as an excuse to clean house and to send another Postcrossing Postcard out, this time to Kansas City, USA.

Postcrossing has been a fun way to keep busy during Winter.  I have sent out 8 postcards now, and I have received 4.  One of the latest was from Budapest.  And today I sent another one out to Istanbul, Turkey.

I hope it warms up though..I am really really tired of the cold!  But, it looks like that it will be cold all week.  Oh when will it end?

1 comment:

  1. Winter is getting really boring, isn't it!



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