Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A late April Fools

Just when you think the nice weather is here for a while, it snows.  Well, actually, I was expecting this.  It has been chilly enough for it to snow at any time.  So it was no joke to me!

The roads were still good though and I didn't have to worry about riding my Winter Beater.  I think it's good bike season now.  I usually bike earlier when it's still dark, but I got asked to work later.  It's good that I did, as I could take some pictures of the fresh snow. It was a stormy day all day, and it hailed a few times.  (But no more snow!)
My Rocky Mountain is ready for some Winter riding.
The hill I go up was nice and bare
Pretty soon though it'll be light really early in the morning. I've already noticed it, the sun rises by 6:30am now.  And as soon as it peeked up over the horizon, the snow on the tree branches immediately started melting.  It was pretty though, with the snow covering the branches.  But I am glad it melted away during the day.

The sun is poking through the clouds on the horizon


  1. At least the roads were in good shape!

    Weather has been quite odd here in southern Ontario as well.
    Two weeks ago we had temperatures of around 12-17C then we went through temperatures of -4 to +4.

    Very inconsistent.

    I was watching Jack Layton's rally in P.G. and noticed quite a bit of snow along the road.

  2. The roads are very bad in places, there are some big potholes out there. But I see from other blogs, they are everywhere! At least you can ride around them easily.

    It is still cold enough to snow, and I swear it tried to earlier today.



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